Women in Leadership Group Coaching

Welcome and Goal Setting together.


Session 1

Empower your leadership journey with a unique, cohort-based learning experience.

Build on the confidence that has brought you into this position of leadership and further develop your confidence as you evolve as a leader.

Fostering a Confidence Mindset

Session 2

Maintain the authenticity in how you choose to present yourself as a leader in the workplace by staying true to your values, style, and practices.

Staying True to You

Session 3
Explore the different leadership styles that will complement your personality, values, and practices enabling you to maximize your impact as a leader.

Creating the Impact You Want

Session 4
Reflect on course insights, apply them to a real-world challenge, and create your action plan for next steps.

Final Practice Lab

Session 5

Shared insights, scaled impact—unlock the power of social learning

Leverage the power of social learning and cohort collaboration. Interactive sessions let leaders gain insights from each other's experiences. Cross-pollinating diverse perspectives drives accountability and lasting behaviour change.

What’s Inside

Course Coach Katharina Loth

Katharina is a Systemic Coach, Strategy Consultant and experienced leader with an academic background in Strategy & Organisational Development. She enables individuals, teams and organisations to see and use their unique potential to become the best possible version of themselves.

Her approach combines Design Thinking and multiple Coaching methods with the practical experience from her vast consulting background.

She is also a female empowerment advocate, Yoga teacher and social entrepreneurship facilitator who deeply believes in people’s potential to make an impact and propel change.

© Blinkist 2024

Women in Leadership group coaching by Blinkist

This course is designed for women who are ready to take their leadership skills to the next level. Over five sessions, you'll develop your confidence, authenticity, and impact as a leader. By the end, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of your unique leadership style and how to leverage it in your role.

      I was fortunate enough to be invited to participate in Blinkist’s ‘Women in Leadership’ coaching course. I went into this with an open mind and no set expectations as this was the first time I had participated in something like this. Our coach, Kathrina Loth, was quite simply phenomenal. Each session was effortless for us to participate in thanks to the structure developed. Kathrina created a safe space for us to be open and honest as a group, resulting in each session being very engaging and thought-provoking, whilst encouraging self-reflection to get maximum output. Having recently pivoted into a new leadership role, I personally found this course instrumental in helping me to really think about my own leadership style, build confidence and to understand what’s most important to me both personally and professionally. I will continue to use the tools provided and lessons learned to continue to grow as a woman in leadership

      Ali McPhee

      How People Who Joined Do Benefit From the Women in Leadership Pathway

      Success Stories

      Blinkist's Women's Coaching Program offered invaluable tools and forging a supportive community. Connecting with inspiring women revealed shared challenges and triumphs, breaking down isolation and fostering a sense of belonging. The program's tailored content, from confidence to navigating biases, equipped me to handle situations with confidence.

      Rachael Roche